Support us.

Our efforts to provide health care without cost to our medically uninsured neighbors are funded only by generous contributions from caring members of our community. We believe that our spirit of support for each other is the backbone of American society. Almost any one of us could at some time find that we are in need of VIM’s care within “a culture of caring.”

We are a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, and our IRS tax exempt status number is 26-0057391. 0057391. Any financial or in-kind contribution is tax deductible and we will gladly provide an acknowledgement of your donation.

Other ways to give.

Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)

If you are 73 or older, the transfer counts towards your Required Minimum Distribution and allows you to avoid paying income tax on the distribution, while supporting us.

Please consult a tax advisor regarding your specific situation.

IRA Charitable Rollover

If you are age 70½ or older, you can transfer up to $100,000 from your traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) directly to a us and avoid paying income taxes on the distribution.

Please consult a tax advisor regarding your specific situation.

Company Matching Gifts

Double your donation impact with your company's matching gift program.

Contact your employer's HR department to see if they will match your donation and increase the capacity of your generosity. 

Gifts of Stock

Give smart, save more.

Keep more money in your pocket with every donation. When you donate stock, you avoid capital gains tax while deducting 100% of the value of the contribution.

Make a stock gift.

Donor Advised Funds (DAF)

Indicate your wishes to provide a grant to the Volunteers in Medicine San Diego.

For more information, email Sonya Caruso or call 619-440-4591.

Why donate?

We are the only full-service, a free clinic in the East County area, and your donations ensure that we can provide critical services when needed most.

Case stories.

These stories show how donations to our clinic have helped patients over the years.

(These heart-felt stories are real. The photos are stock images for patient privacy.)

Angie always had medical insurance until COVID 19 hit, she lost her job and became our patient. She was unemployed and struggling to make ends meet, and to find a new secure career path. She is a college graduate but decided to pursue education to become a vet tech. Our psychologist discovered that she had ADHD and with the proper medication from our psychiatrist - she was able to pass her classes and had no need for anxiety medications.

Henry was 62 years old and the restaurant he worked at for 40 years went out of business. He always had healthcare insurance with his employer but ended up in the ED and discovered he was a diabetic. VIM provided well patient diabetic care, including glucose meter, test strips and medications.

David was a healthy 40 something when he just did not feel good. He worked construction when he could and managed a ranch. When he came into our clinic for his first primary care appt - the doctor did an ECG and sent him to the ED. David was admitted and had 4 stents put in - he could have died if he continued to ignore these symptoms and had not sought help initially from VIM-SD clinic.

Sandy was a diabetic who could not afford healthcare insurance on her minimum wage job but more important she was the caretaker of her 2 granddaughters, 8 and 10 years old. She was able to keep working and staying healthy for her granddaughters because VIM provided the care that she needed.