Volunteer Garden Manager Needed

The VIM community garden needs a volunteer garden manager to help with planting, maintenance, and planning. See the position description below, and if you’re interested, contact Logan (our volunteer coordinator) at ltucker@vim-sandiego.org

VIM Volunteer Garden Manager Position Description


The community garden at VIM San Diego is a small plot of land donated by Chapel of the Valley United Methodist Church in El Cajon, adjacent to our free clinic. It is a flexible space, with small plots available to community members or groups who would like to garden but do not have their own space.


Purpose: Garden Managers act as the liaison between gardeners and staff. They help communicate program policies to gardeners, encourage community involvement, and support the garden as an attractive, productive community asset. Managers play a critical role in fostering a sense of community in the garden and helping new gardeners integrate into the community.


Recruitment/term: Volunteer Garden Managers and Co-Managers are self-selected or recruited by staff and outgoing managers. Volunteer Garden Managers are encouraged to commit to one full garden season.


Time Commitment: Approximately 8-16 hours/month, duties can be shared between co-managers.


Roles and Responsibilities:

·       Be knowledgeable about Community Garden Policies and Procedures

·       Work with staff and gardeners to ensure policies are upheld in the garden.

·       Track and report volunteer hours to staff.

·       Communicate with gardeners and staff using provided Gmail account. This includes notifying gardeners of program updates, activities, and volunteer or educational opportunities.

·       Update on-site bulletin boards to communicate with gardeners who do not use email.

·       Orient new gardeners to the site.

·       Encourage direct communication and problem-solving among gardeners and refer conflict situations to clinic for resolution when needed.


Site Management:

·       Notify program staff of critical maintenance needs (e.g. broken lock, leaky

faucet, etc.)

·       Request supplies for garden (e.g. tools, wood chips and mulch)

·       Maintain a roster of plot occupants.

·       Assess garden plot activity and report non-compliance of program policies to staff (e.g. abandoned plots).

·       Communicate plot turnover or abandonment to program staff.

·       Coordinate maintenance of common areas, pathways, and plantings via gardener work parties.

·       Organize community work parties and educational opportunities.


Community Building and Events:

·       Coordinate general garden, volunteer, and educational opportunities at garden site.

·       Organize community activities and events (e.g., quarterly work parties, gardener gatherings, or potlucks)

·       Delegate and broaden site leadership, recruit volunteers to assist with special projects (e.g. share produce with patients, lead work parties, create planting plans for common areas)

·       Encourage gardeners to work together (e.g. facilitate introductions and communication among gardeners)


Spring 2024 Newsletter


Winter 2024 Newsletter